2011년 8월 29일 월요일

Mesh Information Export Script in 3ds Max

Export selected mesh in viewport to a file
Written by Park Yun Gyu

OutFile = createFile "C:\\ExportMesh.txt"

for t=1 to selection.count do
MyMesh = selection[t]
format "MeshName:%\n" MyMesh.name to: OutFile
format "TM:%\n" MyMesh.transform to: OutFile
SelMesh = snapshotAsMesh selection[t]

format "NumVert:%\n" SelMesh.numVerts to: OutFile
format "NumFace:%\n" SelMesh.numFaces to: OutFile
format "Verts\n" to: OutFile
for i=1 to SelMesh.numVerts do
vert = getVert SelMesh i
format "i:% % \n" i vert to: OutFile
format "Faces\n" to: OutFile

for i=1 to SelMesh.numFaces do
face = getFace SelMesh i
format "i:% % \n" i face to: OutFile

close OutFile

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